27 research outputs found


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    Pendidikan memegang peranan yang sangat vital dalam perkembangan sebuah bangsa. Bangsa yang maju dapat dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan penduduknya, semakin maju sebuah bangsa semakin tinggi juga tingkat pendidikan penduduknya.  Pemerintah dari tahun ke tahun terus meningkatkan alokasi anggaran negara untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Pembangunan gedung sekolah beserta prasarana pendukungnya sebaiknya juga memperhatikan kebutuhan tampungan sarana transportasi yang digunakan oleh siswa dan guru, baik itu berupa sepeda, sepada motor maupun mobil. Dari pengamatan yang ada kenyataannya banyak sekolahan yang belum memprioritaskan penyediaan tempat parkir yang memadai. Sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian letak sekolah dalam sebuah permukiman, kondisi tempat parkir yang ada dan pemenuhan kebutuhan parkir. Lokasi penelitian yaitu sekolah dasar di Kota Surakarta. Dalam penelitian dibuat rancangan penelitian sebagai berikut : 1). penyiapan bahan dan peralatan. 2).survei lapangan,wawancara, pengamatan, foto dokumentasi dilanjutkan pengukuran dan dibuat sket. 3). pembuatan gambar peta situasi keberadaan sekolah dan permukiman sekitarnya. 4). pengambaran denah sekolahan dan tempat parkir. 5). analisis kondisi tempat parkir yang ada, menghitung kebutuhan tempat parkir dan mengambar denah tempat parkir yang ideal. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 1). letak sekolahan terhadap permukiman, 10% sekolah cukup dekat, 20% dekat dan 70% sangat dekat. 2). kondisi tempat parkir bagi siswa yang membawa sepeda ontel kurang memadai, prosentase kondisi tempat parkir pada lokasi penelitian adalah 20% kondisi kurang, 60% kondisi sedang, 20% kondisi baik. 3). kebutuhan lahan untuk tempat parkir tercukupi dengan pengaturan parkir yang baik. Rata-rata dalam satu sekolahan membutuhkan lahan parkir seluas 129 m2, dengan kapasitas untuk sepeda 37 unit, 13 sepeda motor dan 2 mobil. Kata kunci: permukiman, sekolah, tempat parki


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    The purpose of this research are to determine wheter event quality affects to visitor satisfaction, visitor experience affects to visitor satisfaction, EWOM affects to visitor satisfaction, visitor satisfaction affects to visitor loyalty, event quality affects to visitor loyalty, visitor experience affects to visitor loyalty, EWOM affects to visitor loyalty. Methods of data collection using survey method with the instrument in the form if questionnaire. The sample of this study are 200 respondents who have visited Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival are at least three times. Technical analysis of data using SPSS version 23 and AMOS vesion 23 to process and analyze data research results. The results of this study are, event quality and EWOM are postively affect to visitor satisfaction and visitor loyalty. Visitor experience didn’t affect to visitor satisfaction. Visitor experience positively affect to visitor loyalty.Visitor satisfaction positively affect to visitor loyalty


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    In dealing with a problem, judges sometimes have difficulty resolving the matter because sometimes laws are incomplete or not clear, the judge must find and look for legal (rechtsvinding). Methods of legal discovery with the interpretation there are several types: (1) the interpretation subsumtif, (2) the grammatical interpretation, (3) the interpretation of systematic, (4) historical interpretation, (5) the interpretation soisologis or teleological, (6) the interpretation of comparability, (7) futuristic interpretation, (8) a restrictive interpretation, (9) an extensive interpretation. The method of the invention with the construction law there are 3 types, namely: (1) peranalogian argument or analogy, (2) the argument of a "contrario, (3) the rule of law pengkonkretan (rechtsvervijning), (4) a legal fiction. However, the judge's decision must be implemented in order to ensure certainty, truth and justice, so that judges are required to locate and find the justice that is in the community


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas event terhadap kepuasan pengunjung, penhgalaman pengunjung terhadap kepuasan pengunjung, EWOM terhadap kepuasan pengunjung, kepuasan pengunjung terhadap loyalitas pengunjung, kualitas event terhadap loyalitas pengunjung, pengalaman pengunjung terhadap loyalitas pengunjung, EWOM terhadap loyalitas pengunjung. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode survey dengan instrumen berupa kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 200 responden yang telah mengunjungi event Jakarta Fashion and Food Festival sebanyak minimal tiga kali. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SPSS versi 23 dn AMOS versi 23 untuk mengolah dan menganalisis data hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kualitas event dan EWOM berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan pengunjung dan loyalitas pengunjun. Pengalaman pengunjung tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pengunjung. Pengalaman pengunjung berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pengunjung. Kepuasan pengunjung berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas pengunjun


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    ABSTRACT Teguh Tri Handoyo. Internship report at Economic Developing Team of Representetive Office of Bank Indonesia Province DKI Jakarta, Jalan Juanda No.28 Jakarta, July 10th-5th September2017. S1 Management Program Department of Faculty of Economic, State University of Jakarta. The internship is one of requirement of the graduate program in State University of Jakarta to finish the study before make a thesis. The purpose of this internship for the practitioners is to implement the knowledge received during class on the real world of work, and to train me to be the practitioner to be mature, independent, and responsible and able to adjust to the work environment. My responsibility during internship includes inserting data archive to BI-RMS, creating a media for the submission of aspirations and innovations, assisting organizing of BI Mengajar event, giving a socialization on the Characteristic of Authenticity of New Rupiah Money Year 2016 Emissions, and conducting a corporate CSR program called Program Sosial Bank Indonesia in the form of clean water supply Keywords: Internship, Representetive Office of Bank Indonesia Province DKI Jakarta, Corporate Social Responsibilit

    Random Forest Weighting based Feature Selection for C4.5 Algorithm on Wart Treatment Selection Method

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    Research in the field of health, especially treatment of wart disease has been widely practiced. One of the research topics related to the treatment of wart disease is in order to provide the most appropriate treatment method recommendations. Treatment methods are widely used by doctors for treatment of patients with wart disease that is the method of cryotherapy and immunotherapy. Previous research has been done on  cryotherapy and immunotherapy datasets which resulted in two different prediction methods, but the accuracy level has not been satisfactory. In this study, two datasets are combined to produce a single prediction method. The method uses C4.5 algorithm combined with  Random Forest Feature Weighting (C4.5+RFFW) used to select the relevant features to improve accuracy. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve performance with accuracy and informedness are 87.22% and 71.24%, respectively. These results further facilitate physicians in determining treatment methods for patients with a single predictive method and better-predicted performance

    Development of Fuzzy Logic Based Temperature Controller for Dialysate Preparation System

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    Preparing the dialysate temperature to the desiredlevel is a complicated task, since it has a large degree of time delayand nonlinear behaviour. In this work, embedded system fordialysate temperature controller was developed. It is based onimplementation of fuzzy logic controller software on STM32 F4development kit which consits of ARM Cortex M4Fmicrocontroller. The dialysate temperature was controlled byvarying the firing angle of the triac which is connected to theheater. The K-type thermocouple which is connected to AD595CQwas read and compared with the desire dialysate temperature.The fuzzification process was conducted prior to activate the fuzzyinference process. The power of the heater was adjusted based onthe output of the inference process until the desired watertemperatur was achieved. The system had been sucessfullydemonstrated for controlling the dialysate temperature


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    DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE PACKAGE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR SIMULATOR FOR NPP SOCIALIZATION. Development of software package of nuclear reactor simulator for socialization of nuclear power plant has been carried out. This work used RSG GA Siwabessy as a model reactor. The choice of RSG GAS to be simulated is based on consideration of its complete physical characteristic and operation data. To simulate processes occurring in the reactor, the simulator program simulates them as many as possible through a compact display. This simulator is developed using a programming software package LabVIEW to describe process computation in the reactor. Dynamic displays demonstrating any dynamic processes occuring in RSG GAS have been simulated. The result of this development is a software package that is able to simulate RSG GAS operational system. The development of this simulator including its neutronik and thermohidraulic aspects is outlined in this paper.  RANCANG BANGUN PERANGKAT LUNAK SIMULATOR REAKTOR NUKLIR UNTUK SOSIALISASI PLTN. Telah dilakukan rancang bangun perangkat lunak simulator reaktor nuklir untuk sosialisasi PLTN. Pada kegiatan ini, RSG GA Siwabessy digunakan sebagai suatu model. Pemilihan RSG GAS untuk disimulasikan berdasarkan pertimbangan kelengkapan data karakteristik fisis dan data operasi. Rancang bangun perangkat lunak ini dilakukan dalam bentuk visualisasi proses operasi yang ada di dalam RSG GA Sywabessy dan dibuat dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Labview. Untuk menyimulasikan proses yang terjadi di dalam reaktor, simulator menampilkan sebanyak mungkin proses yang terjadi melalui tampilan yang kompak. Perangkat lunak simulator ini dirancang-bangun dengan memanfaatkan paket program LabVIEW untuk menyimulasikan perhitungan proses yang ada di dalam teras reaktor. Tampilan yang dinamis yang menunjukkan segala dinamika yang terjadi di dalam RSG GA Siwabessy berhasil disimulasikan. Hasil dari rancang bangun ini adalah sebuah perangkat lunak simulator yang mampu menyimulasikan sistem operasi RSG GA Siwabessy. Pembuatan perangkat lunak simulator dengan aspek neutronik dan thermohidrolik diuraikan dalam makalah ini


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    DEVELOPMENT OF SOFTWARE PACKAGE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR SIMULATOR FOR NPP SOCIALIZATION. Development of software package of nuclear reactor simulator for socialization of nuclear power plant has been carried out. This work used RSG GA Siwabessy as a model reactor. The choice of RSG GAS to be simulated is based on consideration of its complete physical characteristic and operation data. To simulate processes occurring in the reactor, the simulator program simulates them as many as possible through a compact display. This simulator is developed using a programming software package LabVIEW to describe process computation in the reactor. Dynamic displays demonstrating any dynamic processes occuring in RSG GAS have been simulated. The result of this development is a software package that is able to simulate RSG GAS operational system. The development of this simulator including its neutronik and thermohidraulic aspects is outlined in this paper.  RANCANG BANGUN PERANGKAT LUNAK SIMULATOR REAKTOR NUKLIR UNTUK SOSIALISASI PLTN. Telah dilakukan rancang bangun perangkat lunak simulator reaktor nuklir untuk sosialisasi PLTN. Pada kegiatan ini, RSG GA Siwabessy digunakan sebagai suatu model. Pemilihan RSG GAS untuk disimulasikan berdasarkan pertimbangan kelengkapan data karakteristik fisis dan data operasi. Rancang bangun perangkat lunak ini dilakukan dalam bentuk visualisasi proses operasi yang ada di dalam RSG GA Sywabessy dan dibuat dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Labview. Untuk menyimulasikan proses yang terjadi di dalam reaktor, simulator menampilkan sebanyak mungkin proses yang terjadi melalui tampilan yang kompak. Perangkat lunak simulator ini dirancang-bangun dengan memanfaatkan paket program LabVIEW untuk menyimulasikan perhitungan proses yang ada di dalam teras reaktor. Tampilan yang dinamis yang menunjukkan segala dinamika yang terjadi di dalam RSG GA Siwabessy berhasil disimulasikan. Hasil dari rancang bangun ini adalah sebuah perangkat lunak simulator yang mampu menyimulasikan sistem operasi RSG GA Siwabessy. Pembuatan perangkat lunak simulator dengan aspek neutronik dan thermohidrolik diuraikan dalam makalah ini


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    The corrosive coastal environment will result in a high corrosion rate for any equipment installed there. This is due to the constant exposure to saltwater, high humidity levels, and strong winds. Therefore, it is crucial to use corrosion-resistant materials and regularly maintain the equipment to ensure its longevity in such an environment. One method to reduce the rate of corrosion is to pay close attention to the manufacturing parameters of these components, one of which is the face milling process. The aim of this study is investigating the effect of face milling process with different dept of cut using minimum quantity lubrication method with corn oil as a renewable vegetable cutting fluid. In this study AISI 316L stainless steel was face milled using HAAS VF-2 CNC machine. The depth of cut is varied between 0.2 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.5 mm, and 0.6 mm. The results demonstrated that the greater the depth of cut, the greater the surface roughness value that will be generated. It is resulting in increment in the corrosion rate value